Friday, June 3, 2011

X-Men: First Class Review

I thought I'd post this review while it was still relevant, as in before 90% of the internet has already seen it. Once again, I will try to keep this mostly spoiler free. The film is centered around Magneto and Professor X's origin stories, and then the role they played in averting the Cuban Missile Crisis (sorry if I spoiled it for anyone who didn't already know that the United States and the Soviet Union never engaged in a full scale nuclear war). Standing in their was is Sebastian Shaw, a powerful mutant who can absorb energy.

Apparently, watching too much Kevin Bacon will not only turn you into Kevin Bacon, but will also give you superpowers.
I went in to see this film expecting a lot, as both a big fan of the series, and because I had seen commercials all day that hailed it as the best super hero film since The Dark Knight. While this film does not come close to surpassing the caped crusader's last outing, I would still say that it's the best super hero movie I have seen in a long time. The acting is top notch. The action and effects are great. I especially like how the film was angled to make the audience rather sympathetic to Magneto and his cause, as I have always felt that his origin story gave him reason  to question humanity. All in all, I definitely think that X-Men: First Class is a movie worth seeing.

Rating: 9 out of 10


  1. cant wait to see it!
    i hope it is as good as you say it is...

  2. Really looking forward to seeing it, loved the comics as a kid so glad that there's finally a decent take on the xmen.

  3. 9 out of 10 is uh.. pretty high! I dunno, I'm still iffy about it..

  4. Looks like I'll be checking this one out.

  5. thanks for sharing the review... i love x man!

  6. Unlike you one of my friends said ''It was totally a loss of time and money'' But I'm gonna watch it for sure.

  7. I'm a X-men fan and my heart is still bleeding from X-men3 and Wolvie Origine but I only heard good thing about this one, I will probably go see it soon.

  8. prolly going to be great, nice review, I had nice read

  9. Might go and see this... 9/10? Not sure If I'll like it that much, I'll see I guess

  10. might have to check it out then. I like Kevin Bacon

  11. Looks really nice, looking forward to see it next week :)

    nice blog, keep it up!

  12. I'm not really big on comic books but I make a habit to see all the really big movies, looks like I'll have to check this one out

  13. Really interesting, I want to watch it, they told me as well it was a 10 out of 10, thanks a lot!

  14. wow that is a nice review!
    keep em coming!
    m following

  15. couldn't agree more, I saw this movie opening night and it was great, not as good as the dark knight, but definitely close. awesome review

  16. thx for the review, gonna watch it this weekend

  17. Wow after reading this I really want to see this movie!

  18. Yeah this is definitely on my list of movies to see.

  19. First Class was seriously f***ing awesome. It plays around with some of the origin stories in a way that may perturb some of the hardcore comic fans, but it definitely has cool twists and turns.

    Also, it plays it off like X3 and Origins: Wolverine never happened, so. Mass props to that.

  20. Ah. Such a wonderful movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very accurate review!

  21. Just saw it and all I can say is "may I have some more please." Thumbs up, go see the movie seriously.

  22. I saw the movie, had no expectations, ITS COMPLETELY AWESOME!

  23. ...will grap a friend and stop by the movies

  24. How about cannonic content about magneto past and this movie? for example how dr X was shot?

  25. This movie looked really good, but I'm weary about X-Men movies after Origins.
